
Application for Teachers in M-DCPS

The Education Fund's Teach-A-Thon is an opportunity to have a business professional volunteer teach a lesson to your students.

Our business professional volunteers will research and teach a STEM, STEAM, or Financial Literacy lesson to your class, with the objective of your students applying the newly learned knowledge to real-world scenarios. 

In return, the business professional volunteer will discover why our public schools need support from community members. Plus, the volunteers are committed to telling their colleagues and friends about their experience as a "teacher for a day" to raise funds for the participating classrooms.

50% of funds raised will be divided evenly among participating classrooms and 50% will help fund The Education Fund’s support of teachers and our public schools. Apply now and you can help your classroom and The Education Fund!

Teach-A-Thon Challenge Application for Teachers in M-DCPS
School Location Information
School Level:
Program Information
If you teach culinary, do you plan to participate in the 2025 Taste of Education?
Has your principal approved your participation in the Teach-A-Thon?
Are you willing to contact a business professional? (email, cellphone, etc.)
Are you willing to give a lesson plan to or review a lesson plan written by a business professional?
Are you willing to schedule a time convenient for your business professional to teach virtually or in person?
(Must be between the dates of Sep. - Jan.)
Additional Information
Have you participated in any other programs sponsored by The Education Fund? Please select all that apply.
4-digit School Location Number